Round-table meeting 2 October 2017

Round-table meeting 2 October 2017

Dear CNAP member,

Following of our successful round table discussion in April with debates on “Central Sensitization”, we are delighted to invite you to the next meeting of the classical pain concepts, which will take place on October 2 2017 at 12:30 - 15:30 in room Frb 7C/2.209.

The goal of the round table discussions is to gather interested individuals and consolidate central knowledge, theory, phenomena and explore key emerging developments within pain principles. To achieve this goal, classical pain concepts will be discussed four times annually. Following the round table discussion there will be a social gathering. This time it will be flavoured by Oktoberfest.

In this round table, the focus will be on the theme “Cortical reorganization and pain”. In general, cortical reorganisation has a broad spectrum of manifestations as outlined in the review by Elbert and Rockstroh “reorganization of human representational cortex, encompassing 1) reconstruction in concurrence with enhanced behaviorally relevant afferent activity (examples include skilled musicians and blind Braille readers); 2) injury-related response dynamics as, for instance, driven by loss of input (examples include stroke, amputation, or in blind individuals); and 3) maladaptive reorganization pushed by the interaction between neuroplastic processes and aberrant environmental requirements (examples include synchronicity of input nurturing focal hand dystonia).” Within cortical reorganisation and pain there are several important papers where Herta Flor did a pioneering study on cortical reorganisation in phantom limb pain patients.

You are expected to have read the two “classics” (above) and the four selected papers (cf. programme) and prepared for a discussion of them.


Presentation of “the classic” – Flor 1995 by Jeppe

Pitch of all incoming papers (1 min for each paper/participant)
Why choosing this particular paper?

Presentation of selected papers:

Coffee break

Presentation of selected papers (continued):

15.00 October Fest

15.30 Thank you for today!

We look forward to the discussions, and hope that together we all achieve a deeper understanding of the classical pain concepts.

Kind regards on behalf of the CNAP round table executive committee,
Laura, Shellie, Parisa, Carsten, and Thomas

NB! Participation is mandatory for all CNAP members if not agreed otherwise with your RIG Head.


Incoming papers

  1. A primate genesis model of focal dystonia and repetitive strain injury: I. Learning-induced dedifferentiation of the representation of the hand in the primary somatosensory cortex in adult monkeys

  2. The Modulation of Neurotrophin and Epigenetic Regulators: Implication for  Astrocyte Proliferation and Neuronal Cell Apoptosis After Spinal Cord Injury

  3. Patterns of cortical reorganization in complex regional pain syndrome

  4. Somatosensory Cortical Map Changes Following Digit Amputation in Adult Monkeys

  5. Transcriptome Response to Infraorbital Nerve Transection in the Gonadally Intact Male Rat Barrel Cortex: RNA-Seq

  6. Somatosensory Symptoms and Signs and Conditioned Pain Modulation in Chronic Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain

  7. Potentiation of sensory responses in the anterior cingulate cortex following digit amputation in the anaesthetized rat

  8. Cortical excitation and chronic pain

  9. A Brain Signature to Differentiate Acute and Chronic Pain in Rats